Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Daily news

Today i went to the fysiotherapist again after i had to take the tape away on januari 1th.
He looked at it and it was still to thick and too warm, so he said I tape it again.
Also i had a bacterie on my feet from the tape, so i am not too happy, I have to go in bath instead of the shower with plastic so it cannot get wet. And it still hurts after all this time.
But i am going to work again tomorrow. I will do less walking and so, more on patrouille with a car, things like that.
When i was in the doctors place i met a woman, she was my colleague when i worked in a home for disabled persons as a nurse. That was nice, i liked her, she supported me when i was in this time starting with the divorce..and when i couldn't get a contract with enough hours i had to look outside for a new job, and when i found my current job, she was also nice to tell me thats something for you, you can do that etc. while a lot of others from healthcare were less positive... f.e. docBee!!!
So we talked some about that place, and it took me back in time with all the clients there....
when i think about them, then my ankle isnĀ“t not so terrible, it will be over soon.
Today i heard my SP...he said: he thinks he is happy, so that makes me happy too...

I think???


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