Last week drama
This week we had the yearly party of my department.So we all looked forward to it very much.
There was a bus we had to drive 200 km. to a hotel. It is a very luxery hotel with all kind of amusement. Most people of my office were going there.
And we all were in a very good mood! Singing in the bus, making jokes etc.
There we are, we had dinner, very good! All kind of fish and meat. You could have as much as you want.
Than after dinner you could go to a lot of places inside the hotel, there where all kind of bars and also dance and musicplace there was a lifeband playing, not my style so i didn't stay there. You could go to a swimmingpool, or play all kind of sports or plays, everything was included.
So my friend Trudy and i went to a walk around the place to see everything but we didn't like most of it. We had fun, that's because we laugh all the time no matter where we are.
So we walked around and then i said let sit some in that pub, on a quiet table, there was nice music on, sometimes U2 so i was in my element. I took at first a couple of coffee, but than the chief of our department came to sit with us, and it was a nice talk we had. Than there came more chiefs at our table. and it was a very nice time... so because i was very relaxed i took a wodka and i was in a very good mood, my chief was telling me how good i did my work, so i felt so good! It was very good for my ego.... then i had to go to the toilet very badly... i didn't want to go, was enjoying the talk to much. I had also bother of the smoke so i was coughing a lot and needed a puff very badly. So i went to the bathroom.
When i was ready and left the toilet i saw a colleague in the corridoor and she was crying so i went to her and ask what is the matter?
Then the drama began.
She said that another colleague of us, his nam was Rob, was falling down on the dancefloor and they are reanimating him now. So i looked in the direction she was looking and i saw it.
I asked what was happened, and she said he was dancing and then suddenly he felt down.
She said: it isn't good!
So i run to the pub i was sitting before to inform the chiefs.
All things were going so fast, the ambulance came and they take over the reanimation.... we were taking away to another room, there where a few colleagues yelling and another man was having heartfailure so he needed to be reanimated as well, it was like if i was in the twilightzone....
We get coffee and had to sit down and we were all so down.....waiting for news......but i knew it wasn't good.
I really thought, he is not going to make it. I just knew.
Then the manager of the hotel came, and was telling it.
Rob was dead.
They did all they could, he said....
So everybody was crying or yelling, i was looking if i could help anyone, but i walked around from one to another colleague. Give my shoulder here and there...
I just knew Rob only for 3 weeks, so it is strange what an impact this had, it is also because of all the other collaegues, that knew him for 10 years or more, and how it happened.
But then we had to go back with the bus, without Rob....
I knew that the police was going to his girlfriend at this moment, to inform her and take her to the hospital where they brought him to.
So we went into the bus to go back, then they where counting us, and i thought: one less.
When we were riding halfway i thought: the girlfriend and his kids are maybe passing us now.
It was quiet in the bus everyone was quiet. And it takes forever, so it seems, to get back.
I will never go back to the Preston Palace!
To much memories.
Now the office is all in rest, we are going there everyday to be together, but don't go to the streets, that is not resposible. It is nessacairy in our work is that we have to watch out very good for each other. So when everybody is in stress, that would not be resposible.
Now tuesday we are going to the funeral, we are all going in our uniforms, so that will be impressing.
I've heard that the flowers are all in white and red, the colours of his favourite soccerteam.
There are 2 sons that he leave behind. 12 and 18 years old.... i know that i can't stop crying if i see them.
Now again there were many friends that had supported me, when i felt down. The same friends that are always there for me.
And as always a friend that isn't there for me when i need him....
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